The mission of the Grosse Pointe Chamber Foundation is to receive and disburse charitable contributions for the promotion of commerce, education, economic growth, events and activities for the five Grosse Pointe communities.
Thank you for continuing to support our local businesses! #GPStrong!
Donations made to the Chamber Foundation have enabled the Chamber to enhance the quality of life in the community in ways that are rich, successful and meaningful such as:
- Pointer of Distinction Awards & Scholarships: The Chamber publicly recognizes and celebrates outstanding students, businesses, individuals and nonprofit organizations that have demonstrated excellence and a passion in the community.
- Grosse Pointe Santa Claus Parade: The Grosse Pointe Chamber of Commerce hosts the annual holiday parade held on the Friday after Thanksgiving. This is a magical and fun event for all in attendance. Each year, it grows and is more festive.
- I Heart GP Campaign: A shop local initiative encouraging residents to think local. Put your money where your heart is – Grosse Pointe! Support local businesses, services and organizations.
- Trolley Transit Systems: The Chamber Foundation assists in subsidizing the Mack Avenue and Kercheval Trolley Transit Systems to promote the local business districts.
- Police Patrol Bikes: The Foundation purchased a patrol bike for each of the five GP Police Departments and one for Harper Woods.
- Bike Stations: The Foundation assisted in financing 6 bike stations that will be placed throughout the five GP communities.
- Lake St. Clair Circle the Lake Tour: A map and signage directing the community and visitors along the shoreline to Grosse Pointe business districts.
- Live Well: An initiative encouraging healthy living. Share the Road signage and bike racks have been distributed throughout the community. 10,000 Step Journey Map showcasing routes throughout the Pointes.