The October lecture will examine the history of the Detroit Opera House. The theater is known today as the Detroit Opera House has been an integral part of the area’s culture and history since it opened in 1922. Generations of patrons, including many Grosse Pointers, have memories of attending films, stage presentations, and other events as it transitioned from the Broadway Capitol to the Paramount to the Grand Circus theater, before being renamed the Detroit Opera House in 1996.


Presenter: Mike Hauser is the Marketing Manager of the Detroit Opera House. Mike’s previous Bicknell presentations include “Downtown Detroit’s Movie Palaces” in October 2008; “20th Century Retailing in Downtown Detroit” in April 2009; and “Remembering Hudson’s: The Grande Dame of Detroit Retailing” in May 2012.


The lecture will be available on the Society’s YouTube channel in the weeks following.

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