Artists meet Sponsors! Artist take home their heart to start designing.
Legacy on the Lake
Call the Chamber if you would like to get placed on the waiting list. (313)881-4722.
Grosse Pointe Park Chilly Fest
Business After Hours
Join us for networking on National Chip & Dip Day! Grab your chips and whip up your favorite dip! Share your recipe with fellow colleagues.
Zoom login information will be sent upon registration.
26th Annual Parenting Conference Presented by Ascension
Learn new skills and resources that will help you and the children in your life, especially now in our new normal living through COVID-19. The morning will begin with keynote speaker, Gary Abud, author and award-winning educator.
Winter Wellness Tea – Sponsored by Healthy Grosse Pointe
Join us for a break to recharge, restore and reset.
We will present the healing qualities of Tea ingredients, Demonstrate how to prepare it, and lead a guided meditation.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Parent Night Out at the Neighborhood Club
Family Membership Required.
Fun, Fitness, Food and a Movie. Ages 5-11.
Drop off the kids and enjoy the evening.
Pizza Pie on the Fly at Sunrise Vernier
Drive by Event at Sunrise Vernier – Join the Sunrise GP Campus in collaboration with Beaumont Hospice. Drive up and pick up your pizza to go complements of Sunrise GP campus and a swag bag complements of Beaumont Hospice. What a great way to wind down your busy week!
RSVP to Mary Jo by February 23rd at 313.642.2000
The Science Behind The Vaccine
Henry Ford Health and Beaumont Healthy Infections Disease Teams forum.
Hear the true timeline of research, ask questions and find out why the vaccine is safe!
“Soup for the Soul” Drive by Event
Soup to go for 2! Sponsored by Sunrise Senior Living.
Join us to sample our homemade soupts to go prepared by our in-house chefs. Drive up and we can deliver right to your car or you can hop our, mingle (socially distanced, of course) and pick it up.
RSVP to Kim by January 25 at: 313.343.0600