(313) 881-4722

QPR Training


3 steps anyone can learn to prevent suicide

Meeting URL: https://bluejeans.com/980463252

Meeting ID: 980 463 252

Passcode: 2016


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The Effect of Social Isolation on those Living with Dementia

Teepa Snow, owner and CEO of Positive Approach to Care, LLC, is an enlightening, entertaining, and energetic  speaker and nationally-renowned dementia  care expert.  Teepa will be joined  by Peter Ross, CEO and Co­ founder  of Senior Helpers, for a presentation that will focus on dementia care during  the COVID-19 pandemic, including:

  • The serious effects that social isolation may have on those living with brain change.
  • Recognizing the signs and symptoms of depression and anxiety in those living with dementia.
  • Tips to help care providers recognize and respond more accurately to unwanted effects of social isolation to reduce the chances for escalation and ‘non-helpful’ hospitalizations.



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FORE The Helm – 2nd Annual Golf Outing

Join us for an exciting day of golf, food and fun competition supporting The Helm at the Boll Life Center.

Sign up at www.helmlife.org or 313-882-9600.

$225 per golfer/$900 per foursome.

Registration begins at noon, a 1 p.m. shotgun start and a boxed lunch for the course.

All players receive use of a cart, boxed lunch, post-event hors d’oeuvres (heavy) and two drink tickets.

Prizes awarded for Closest to the Pin and the low scoring Men’s, Women’s and Mixed Teams.

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Beaumont Children’s annual Walk for Miracles – now renamed the Walk for Miracle Workers – will bring the community together, virtually, on Saturday, August 8, 2020.  An online kickoff celebration will take place at 9:00 a.m. Participants are asked to register online, create teams and use Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals’ Crowdfunding page to raise money.  In addition to supporting the pediatric programs and services of Beaumont Children’s, proceeds from this year’s event will also support Beaumont’s health care heroes.

Beaumont Children’s, a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital, is part of the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis.  Hospitals are open 24/7/365 to provide high-quality, compassionate care that children and adults need. The dedication of physicians, nurses and medical staff during a pandemic does not come without cost. Donations to Beaumont’s COVID-19 Employee Support Fund assists frontline caregivers with childcare, housing and transportation needs.

“The ripple effect of the impact of caring for COVID-19 patients affects every aspect of treatment and services offered by Beaumont Children’s,” said John Fox, President and CEO of Beaumont Health and Walk for Miracle Workers Chairman.  “Important funding is needed to sustain current and new programs in the hospital setting.  Hosting the virtual walk will help support these services and bring the community together to thank all front-line workers – health care, first responders and service providers.”

Those participating in the virtual event may decide to walk or run a desired route of their choosing, as well as create their own timing for their event on August 8.  Social media will be a connective thread tying participants together.  If a team is gathering (not more than 10 individuals at one location), safe social distancing practices should be practiced.


Beaumont Children’s/CMN team will help motivate participants by hosting contests to inspire teams to reach fundraising milestones including “most unique location”, “most spirited”, best costume” and more.  Winning teams will receive gift cards supporting local restaurants.

Upon registration, each entry will receive a Participant Kit that includes tips on raising funds, a racing bib and other event gifts and information.  Participants will also receive a finisher’s certificate and medal.

During the event, each registrant is encouraged to share his or her experience using #BeaumontMiracleWorkers on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and sharing on Beaumont Children’s Facebook page.

A registration fee of $30 per person is required.  To register, visit www.beaumont.org/walk-for-miracles

More about programs of the Children’s Miracle Network at Beaumont Children’s can be found at: www.Beaumont.org/CMN.

Media Contact:  Chris Morrisroe, Beaumont Health Foundation                  Chris.Morrisroe@Beaumont.org or 947.522.0078 (O)  248.770.4527 (C)

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Solstice Cocktail Hour: A Toast to the Sunset with The Ford House

Join our Director of Material Culture Lisa Worley and members of the Ford House team for a Summer Solstice cocktail hour.

Learn how to mix cocktails and mocktails from vintage recipes while we celebrate the Summer Solstice. Recipes will be shared in advance so you can collect the necessary supplies, tools and cocktail-making equipment (or improvised tools and equipment), and follow the live demonstrations, step by step. There will be opportunities for questions, conversation, and discussion. After the demonstration, we invite you to share a toast and celebrate the Solstice with us!

Note: All participants must be 21 and older.

Ticket Price: $5 adults, free for Ford House members

Click here to register.

Upon registration, you will receive an access code and a link to use to join the meeting. Our program uses the Zoom platform. You will need to download the Zoom app to your smartphone or tablet, or log into the Zoom website before you begin the workshop.

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Garden Workshop: Compost 101 with The Ford House

Don’t throw that away! We can teach you to create a system that is better for the environment and turns your food scraps into “black gold.”

Our Manager of Landscapes Joe Cieslinski will guide you on how you can start making your own compost and add it to your garden.

Cost: $10 non-members; $5 Ford House members

Click here to register.

Our workshop is held using the Zoom platform. You will need to download the Zoom app to your smartphone or tablet, or log into the Zoom website and register before you begin the workshop.
Ford House will send you an email with the access code and a link to join the meeting upon registration.

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Starry Night Series: Solstice with The Ford House

There are two eclipse seasons each year, but it’s especially exceptional that in 2020 — a few days after this program — there will be an eclipse at the same time as the Summer Solstice, when the sun stands still in the sky. The eclipse won’t be visible to us in North America this time, but we are excited to take this opportunity to learn about the Solstice and the eclipse, exploring unique history, mythology, and storytelling about the sun, the moon, and the stars!

Join us for an online presentation with Star Lore Historian Mary Stewart Adams on June 16, scheduled in anticipation of this year’s Summer Solstice.

Our workshop is held using the Zoom platform. You will need to download the Zoom app to your smartphone or tablet, or log into the Zoom website before you begin the workshop.

Cost: $10 non-members; $5 Ford House Members

Click here to register.

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Garden Workshop: Ask an Expert with the Ford House

Troubled? Stumped? Curious? We at Ford House have a team of landscape and gardening nerds who are here to help! Join our arborists, horticulturist, invasive species experts, and general know-it-alls as they answer all your gardening and landscape questions.

Cost: $10 general public, $5 members

Click here to register.

Our workshop is held using the Zoom platform. You will need to download the Zoom app to your smartphone or tablet, or log into the Zoom website and register before you begin the workshop.

Ford House will send you an email with the access code and a link to join the meeting upon registration.

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Rock Your Reopening!

In this fun and interactive online session, you will learn how to maximize tools like Facebook and Google My Business to connect to the revenue you need and the community that you serve. Participants will receive an informative eBook with step-by-step instructions as well as an over-the-shoulder look at these important sales and marketing tactics in action.

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Virtual Coffee & Connections

Join us for coffee & connections virtually on June 17th @ 9:00am. Start your day off right from the comfort of your home or office by networking with fellow business professionals.

You will be emailed your Zoom login information upon registering.

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