MIDLINE Movement is an intersection of form (alignment) function (core) freedom (expression) and flow (real life). Midline movement classes connect the breath and core to activate your strength and welcome your softness. These classes are for everybody and every body.
MIDLINE Breathwork classes explore the the co-mingling of breathing mechanics, the body’s ever shifting chemistry and the nervous system. Likened to being the remote control of the brain, conscious breathing can shift your state of being in an instant. Consistent breath practice has been proven to be effective for lowering blood pressure, reducing anxiety, improving sleep and stimulating feelings of joy and aliveness within the body. Contact me to explore more of this life changing practice!
Categories: Health & Fitness
1438 Beaconsfield Ave
Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan 48230 united states
Business Website: findyourmidline.com
Alternate Business Category: Worksite Wellness
Facebook URL: @midline
Instagram URL: @cassghiorse
LinkedIn URL: @cassghiorse