(313) 881-4722

Chalk the Walk at Ford House

Come to Ford House for some safe, creative, outdoor family fun.

This weekend, our visitors can “chalk the walk” and use sidewalk chalk to decorate our walking paths — while social distancing.

Every child visiting this weekend (July 25-26) gets a free pack of chalk to use on our paved pathways. And you can bring chalk from home.

Lets create something bright and beautiful together, while we’re social distancing. For your safety, entries are timed and capacities are limited to give everyone enough space to create.

All grounds passes must be purchased in advance. Passes are just $5, or free for members. Children under 6 are free!

Select July 25 or 26 to participate in Chalk the Walk. Entry times and capacities are limited to allow for social distancing.

A grounds pass is required for entry. Everyone must bring a mask with them, and wear it when interacting with others outside their party.

Passes will not be sold at the gate. There are no house tours at this time.

All art must be family-friendly. Please do not chalk the historical stone paths or walls. For your health and safety, please do not share chalk with visitors outside of your own party.

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Chalk the Walk at Ford House

Come to Ford House for some safe, creative, outdoor family fun.

This weekend, our visitors can “chalk the walk” and use sidewalk chalk to decorate our walking paths — while social distancing.

Every child visiting this weekend (July 25-26) gets a free pack of chalk to use on our paved pathways. And you can bring chalk from home.

Lets create something bright and beautiful together, while we’re social distancing. For your safety, entries are timed and capacities are limited to give everyone enough space to create.

All grounds passes must be purchased in advance. Passes are just $5, or free for members. Children under 6 are free!


Select July 25 or 26 to participate in Chalk the Walk. Entry times and capacities are limited to allow for social distancing.

A grounds pass is required for entry. Everyone must bring a mask with them, and wear it when interacting with others outside their party.

Passes will not be sold at the gate. There are no house tours at this time.

All art must be family-friendly. Please do not chalk the historical stone paths or walls. For your health and safety, please do not share chalk with visitors outside of your own party.

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Business After Hours at Cadieux Cafe

Join us for outdoor social distant networking with fellow Chamber members.

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Business Before Hours

Join us for networking, tell us about your business, services and goods, and let us know how we, as the business community, can support you. Be ready to give your “elevator speech” and gain the support of other local businesses.


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Business Before Hours

Join us for coffee and networking! Share with fellow Chamber members about your business, services and goods, and let us know how we, as the business community, can support you. Be ready to give your “elevator speech” and gain the support of other local businesses.

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Business After Hours

Join us for some socially distant networking at The Whiskey Six. Tell us about your business, services and goods, and let us know how we, as the business community, can support you. Be ready to give your “elevator speech” and gain the support of other local businesses.

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Workshop: Photography in the Gardens at The Ford House

Join award-winning botanical photographer Laurie Tennent for a two-session flower photography workshop using the vibrant gardens at Ford House as inspiration. Tennent will help you with photo composition, framing, camera angles, selective focus, and exposure. She will also share some of her unique personal photography techniques.
All levels of photography experience are welcome. Session #1 of this workshop (July 18) will be instructional. In Session #2 (July 25), Laurie will look over, discuss, and provide feedback on the photos participants have taken during the week in between the workshops. This workshop will be online using the Zoom platform; however, all participants will be given a pass to visit the estate during the week between sessions to take their photos.
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Workshop: Photography in the Gardens at The Ford House

Join award-winning botanical photographer Laurie Tennent for a two-session flower photography workshop using the vibrant gardens at Ford House as inspiration. Tennent will help you with photo composition, framing, camera angles, selective focus, and exposure. She will also share some of her unique personal photography techniques.
All levels of photography experience are welcome. Session #1 of this workshop (July 18) will be instructional. In Session #2 (July 25), Laurie will look over, discuss, and provide feedback on the photos participants have taken during the week in between the workshops. This workshop will be online using the Zoom platform; however, all participants will be given a pass to visit the estate during the week between sessions to take their photos.
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Garden Workshop: Happy Houseplants at The Ford House

Run out of projects yet? Green up your space by adding some beautiful house plants! Our Manager of Landscapes and all-around plant guru Joe Cieslinski will prepare you to get your house plants to thrive — regardless of your plant care skills or knowledge. As your indoor plants thrive, you might find that you do as well.

Purchase Tickets:  https://www.fordhouse.org/event/07162020/garden-workshop-happy-houseplants

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Garden Workshop: Kitchen Garden at The Ford House

Join our Horticulturist Kelley Maricle who will guide you through the edible plants historically featured on the estate, as well as our newly-added edible garden.

Also enjoy a sneak peek into the design process of the “kitchen garden” that will serve our new Visitor Center, currently under construction. This workshop will leave you inspired and prepared to make a garden that is as pretty as it is useful!

Our program uses the Zoom platform.

Register at:  https://www.fordhouse.org/event/07022020/garden-workshop-kitchen-garden


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