(313) 881-4722

Easter Sunday at Saint James Lutheran Church

This Easter there is a place for you here at Saint James. We invite you to join us on Sunday, April 9 for Easter Worship at 11:00 AM.

We are located at 170 McMillan Rd at Kercheval in Grosse Pointe Farms, MI. Directly across the street from Richard Elementary.

Can’t join us at 11? You also have the opportunity to worship with St. Paul Lutheran Church (375 Lothrop Rd, Grosse Pointe Farms) at 9:00 AM.

Saint James is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, and we worship together on Sundays at 11:00 AM both in-person and live on our YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/SaintJamesLivestream

Saint James is an inclusive community celebrating God’s grace through worship, service, & hospitality.

Fellowship: We gather for coffee, baked goods & fellowship every Sunday after worship in the Welcome Area (beyond the municipal parking lot doors near the nursery.) Grab a cup of coffee or juice and a goodie and enjoy some Christian fellowship.

Parking: Parking is available in the municipal parking lot. A limited number of spots are also available in our side lot near the office. For events held in the evenings, parking validation is available for all who attend.

Holy Communion: Saint James practices an open table for Holy Communion, which means that all people are invited to participate in the sacrament. Jesus is the host of the meal and extends a wide welcome. Children are welcome to participate, but may also come forward with folded arms to receive a blessing. Juice and gluten free wafers are available every week.

Children are Welcome at Worship: Looking for a place to worship with your children? Children are always welcome to participate in the service as they are able. God put the wiggle in children; don’t feel you have to suppress it in God’s house. All are welcome! As Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.”

If you are looking for a Spiritual home, or know someone who is, feel free to join us on any Sunday online or in-person, or contact the Office during office hours at 313-884-0511 or office@stjamesgp.org. Pastor Grant is available on Wednesdays from 9:00 AM to (about) 3:00 PM or can be reached via email: pastor@stjamesgp.org.

Church Office Hours:
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

If you would like to learn more about Saint James, visit our website: https://stjamesgp.org

Our FAQ is available here: https://www.stjamesgp.org/about/faq/

Website: https://fb.me/e/T4qxAhz2

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Springtime Cultural Series

Choose from a variety of fitness classes, self-improvement classes and events that will educate, excite and entertain. Whether you like to explore cultural events – a lecture, a concert, and learning to make Greek favorite dishes – or to work out, travel, learn a foreign language, learn about  retirement planning, or shopping garage sales, Assumption Cultural Center has something for you this spring.

“Russian Expansion vs. Ukrainian Survival, or Authoritarianism vs. Democracy,” presented by Detroit native Natalie Melnyczuk, an analyst, academic, diplomat and consultant. The lecture is on Thursday, March 23, at 6:30 p.m. Donation: $15.

Cultural Series Spring 23

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SOLD OUT! Grosse Pointe Chamber of Commerce Wine Tasting

Join fellow Chamber members at Cellar 313 as we enjoy a wine tasting under the instruction of one of Cellar 313’s sommeliers!

Tickets include the tastings and charcuterie. SOLD OUT

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Join businesses in the Village for a St. Patrick’s Day weekend indoor sidewalk sale!

The event will take place in the former Calico space located at 17101 Kercheval!

Thursday March 16: 5 – 8 PM

Friday March 17: 12 – 6 PM

Saturday March 18: 11 AM – 3 PM

Visit the Facebook event page for more information here!

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Memorial Day 2023

“Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy, forget in time that men have died to win them. ”

— Franklin D. Roosevelt

On this reverent Memorial Day, we gather at the base of Les Brave II: At Water’s Edge sculpture, where we will pause and reflect on the selfless souls who gave everything to defend our freedoms.

They are our fathers and our brothers, our mothers and our sisters. They are our friends and our neighbors. They are the heroes next door. Their stories of sacrifice and courage must be preserved and shared with every generation so that we may as a community always be mindful of the selfless, brave individuals that are responsible for keeping our nation free.

This time-honored ceremony will include musical tributes, remarks of remembrance and honor, and a recitation of the names of Grosse Pointe residents who lost their lives in service to our country.

May 29, 2023

The lakefront lawn of the historic Alger House
Free and open to the public

Registration is required and can be done here: Memorial Day 2023

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Les Braves II: At Water’s Edge Dedication

“I created this sculpture to honour the courage of these men:
Sons, husbands and fathers, who endangered and often sacrificed their lives in the hope of freeing the French people.”

— Anilore Banon – Sculptor

Les Braves II: At Water’s Edge Dedication

Thursday, May 25
Grounds Open at 6pm | Dedication Ceremony at 6:30pm

On Thursday, May 25, we welcome the community to join us on the backlawn of The War Memorial for a celebration and the unveiling of Les Braves II: At Water’s Edge — the official twin of the original Les Braves sculpture in Normandy, France sculpted as a lasting tribute to the western Allies that landed on Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944 during World War II.

This event is free and open to the public and will feature words from the sculpture artist, Anilore Banon, remarks from dignitaries, the splendor and fanfare of The U.S. Army Pershing’s Own Herald Trumpets, and a blow out concert by the Dave Bennett Band to round out the celebration.

May 25, 2023

6pm: Grounds open

6:30pm: Dedication Ceremony begins

Free and open to the public

Pre-registration is requested.

A full bar, including water, a variety of sodas, beer, wine, and liquor, will be available throughout the evening.

You’re welcome to bring your own picnic, but by Michigan law, no outside alcoholic beverages may be brought onto campus.

About Les Braves II: At Water’s Edge

Les Braves II: At Water’s Edge is expected to be officially and formally dedicated on the grounds of The War Memorial Association, home of the Fred M. Alger Center at The War Memorial, on May 25, 2023. The 50-foot-wide and 25-foot-tall sculpture is the official twin of the original Les Braves in Normandy, France — located in the Vierville-sur-Mer on Omaha Beach at the junction of dog red and easy green sectors. Originally created for the 60th anniversary of the D-Day invasion and sculpted by French artist Anilore Banon, the three stainless steel wings and towers stand proudly as a lasting tribute to the western Allies that landed on Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944 during World War II.

Les Braves II consists of three thematic elements:

  • The Wings of Hope
    So that the spirit which carried these men on June 6, 1944 continues to inspire us, reminding us that together it is always possible to change the future.

  • Rise, Freedom!
    So that the example of those who rose against barbarity, helps us remain standing strong against all forms of inhumanity.

  • The Wings of Fraternity
    So that this surge of brotherhood always reminds us of our responsibility towards others as well as ourselves.

To learn more and view additional images and renderings of Les Braves II: At Water’s Edge visit: https://www.warmemorial.org/lesbraves.

Register here to attend: Les Braves II: At Water’s Edge

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An Evening of Red, White & Blue Gala

Food, fun and fireworks!

Join us for the return of our annual premiere event, an Evening of Red, White & Blue, includes the formal dedication of the Fred M. Alger Center!

We are delighted to announce the return of An Evening of Red, White & Blue on the evening of Wednesday, May 24. This gala, begun in 2015, was an opportunity to celebrate our mission and impact with our community and valued partners, and after its three-year hiatus, we are thrilled to welcome back our cherished supporters for this celebration, which will feature cocktails, live music, dinner, fireworks and our formal dedication of the stunning new Fred M. Alger Center.

Wednesday, May 24 will be a celebratory evening at The War Memorial!

Join us as we recall our storied mission and history, and renew our focus to serve those who have aided our country and those who live, learn, work, and visit its expanding community.

6:00 pm | Cocktails with Live Music in Front Circle

7:15 pm | Program and Remarks in Fred M. Alger Center Ballroom

8:00 pm | Dinner in Fred M. Alger Center Ballroom

9:15 pm | Dessert on Back Lawn by Les Braves II: At Water’s Edge

10:15 pm | Fireworks display over Lake St. Clair

Open to all! More details to come.

Tickets will be $225 each

A portion of each ticket will be a donation to Grosse Pointe War Memorial Association. A letter with the final taxable value and donation amounts will be sent after the event.

See more details and purchase tickets here: An Evening of Red, White & Blue

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Families Against Narcotics – Run Drugs Out of Town

Join Families Against Narcotics for their 2023 5K walk and 5K run at Fraser High School!

Download the poster below:

2023 FAN Run Poster (8)

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