(313) 881-4722

Business After Hours at Moehring Woods Flowers

Join us March 1, 2023 at 5:30 PM for a networking event hosted by Bruce Anderson of Moehring Woods Flowers!

Email aturnbull@grossepointechamber.com to register!

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Business After Hours at Little Blue Book

Join us on August 9, 2023 at 5:30 PM at Little Blue Book for a networking reception!

Register below or email aturnbull@grossepointechamber.com!

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Business Before Hours Networking at Big Boy

Join us on February 8, 2023 at 8:30 AM at Big Boy for some coffee and conversation!

Dan Curis, owner of Big Boy and Champs Rotisserie & Seafood in Grosse Pointe, is our gracious host.

Register below or email aturnbull@grossepointechamber.com!



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Grosse Pointe Academy Action Auction

Join us for the Action Auction where we come together as a community to support the vision for the future of The Grosse Pointe Academy. All proceeds will support the Academy’s mission to nurture, challenge, and inspire its students.

Website: https://www.gpacademy.org/giving/action-auction

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The Grosse Pointe Academy Open House Fair

Join The Grosse Pointe Academy on February 9, 2023 for our Grades 1 through 8 Open House Fair. Learn about our curriculum, experience our electives, tour our campus, see our teachers in action and enjoy fair games and food!

Website: https://www.gpacademy.org/family-fun-enrollment-fair

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Historic Home Renovation

Meet and greet the team who did the amazing job renovating the historic Frederick Stearns house.
Ask questions and seek information. Through extensive reach and trial and error, we have come this far. We want to help you with all the knowledge we have so your renovation will be a lot easier.

Website: http://frederickstearnshouse.com

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Grosse Pointe Historical Society Grand Opening and Anniversary Celebration

Celebrating the 200th birthday of the PW House, the Grand Opening of the GPHS History Center

We hope you will join us for birthday cake, coffee, wine, and refreshments as we celebrate the official grand opening from 5 to 7 PM, Friday, January 20!

It was 1823 when the Provencal Weir House was built. Over the years she served as many things, most recently as headquarters of the Grosse Pointe Historical Society. In honor of her birthday, we’ve given her a present. She no longer needs to be loaded down with offices and archives, and can resume being a House Museum. We have built the Grosse Pointe Historical Society History Center right across the street! It is a present befitting a 200th birthday!

Dignitaries will be on hand to cut the ribbon and we will all enjoy music and good company at 375 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan. You can then go across the street and tour the Provençal Weir house and participate in an interactive exhibit where you leave a note on artifacts about which you are curious.

The Stroh exhibit of photographs will still be up and you can see our new location! Invite your friends.

You can also donate to our capital campaign fund here. http://www.gphistorical.org/support04.html

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Broadway Bound by Neil Simon

The final chapter of Simon’s “Eugene Trilogy,” Broadway Bound is perhaps the least appreciated of the three. Unlike Biloxi Blues and Brighton Beach Memoirs, which comedically take on the awkward pains of adolescence, Broadway Bound is a poignant play about falling apart. Set in the years following World War II, our heroes Eugene and Stanley are fully grown and struggling to make a living as comedy writers. Still living in their childhood home, the brothers attempt to keep their own lives in check as they piece together the crumbling remains of their parents’ marriage. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for Drama, Broadway Bound cracks open the facade to reveal the hurt and pain behind even the most unassuming comedy.

Website: http://gpt.org/broadway

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“Matilda, Jr.” the Musical

Pierce Middle School will be performing the musical, “Matilda, Jr.” in Pierce’s auditorium on Friday, January 27th (at 7pm) and Saturday, January 28th (at 2pm). Tickets can be purchased in advance at Coreander’s Childrens’ Bookshoppe or at the door 30 minutes prior to showtime.

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Business After Hours

Networking works best when we come together and find out what we can promote for each other.  As other businesses grow through your referrals your business will grow too.

Join us for Business After Hours hosted by Annemarie Rogers of Michigan First Mortgage at John F. Martin Photography Studio.
Light food and drink; Paris Event Services providing complimentary services.
John F. Martin Photography Studio
19471 Mack Ave
Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236
5:30pm – 6:30pm
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