America’s Boating Club- Grosse Pointe is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons and dedicated to encouraging safe boating through education by teaching classes and seminars in seamanship, navigation and other boating related subjects. America’s Boating Club- Grosse Pointe was organized on February 7, 1939 by Earl Teetzel and a group of 25 Grosse Pointe Yacht Club Members who recognized the need for boating education in the club. Our members are boaters as well as non-boaters who contribute to their communities by promoting safe boating through education. Our activities are centered on the 3 goals of the USPS: Education, Community Service and enjoying the fellowship and camaraderie of fellow members. In addition to conducting both public and member only classes we offer free Vessel Safety Checks to everyone and provide a lifejacket loaner program for kids at local marinas. We also have a full range of activities year round both on and off the water for our members to get together. Our summer on the water activities include Rendezvous, cruises and navigation contests. Winter and off season activities include classes, meetings, dinners, and different events to get together and keep things fun.
Membership Level: Non-profit
Categories: Clubs / Organizations, Non-Profit, Schools / Education, Sports Organizations, Volunteer Organizations
18640 Mack Ave. Unit 36965
Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 USA