Categories: Schools / Education
Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church and School
Catholic parish and school
Categories: Churches, Schools / Education
Pewabic Pottery

National Historic Landmark pottery, architectural tile studio and ceramic arts education center. Shop handcrafted pottery and tile made on site, along with work by ceramic artists from across North America. Plan a custom backsplash or fireplace of your own. Explore our museum collection of historic Arts & Crafts pottery designed by Pewabic founder Mary Chase Perry Stratton. Learn the craft with a class or hands-on workshop
Categories: Art Galleries & Supplies, Design Services, Schools / Education
St. Clare of Montefalco Church

Roman Catholic Church Michaelite Priests and Elementary School; Preschool through 8th grade.
Categories: Churches, Schools / Education
St. Paul Catholic Church

St. Paul on the Lake was the first Catholic parish in the Grosse Pointes. The origins of the parish date to the 1790s, when French Catholic priests were ministering to settlers in what was then a primarily agricultural area along Lake St. Clair. From 1819 to 1825, a chapel was in use in the home of Pierre Provencal, located near the Renaud family farm on Lake St. Clair just north of Vernier Road, which is now Grosse Pointe Shores. This house was later moved to its present site on Kercheval Avenue, where it serves as the headquarters for the Grosse Pointe Historical Society.
The first building specifically built for worship was a log church, located on the Renaud property and dedicated in 1825 by Father Francis Badin, an assistant to Father Gabriel Richard who had pastoral responsibility for the area. St. Paul gained canonical status as a parish for the French farmers in 1834. In 1848 the log church was replaced by a frame chapel located on the site of the current church.
The present church building was designed by Harry J. Rill and was completed in 1899 at a cost of just over $23,000. The older frame structure was used as the parish hall until it was dismantled in 1914. The rectory was added in 1911, and the original portions of the school and convent buildings, designed by Smith, Hinchman and Grylls, were built in 1927. Additions to the school were completed in 1951 and 1953. The former parish house, originally built around 1900 for former Detroit mayor Alexander Lewis, was purchased by the parish in 1959 but demolished in 2012.
The Saint Paul Catholic Church Complex sits on a long, narrow plot of land between Lake Shore Road and Grosse Pointe Boulevard. The church is constructed of brick and stone, and is designed in the French Gothic Revival style. The stained glass windows were made by Fredericks & Wolfram Art Glass Company of Detroit (installed in 1901) and Franz Mayer & Company of Munich, Germany, (installed in 1924).
Categories: Churches, Schools / Education
157 Lake Shore Road
Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 USA
Suntastic Swim School L.L.C.
On March 1, 2014 Suzette Atrasz Kapla (Michigan educator) decided to full-fill a small business niche that was lacking in Southeastern Michigan. A traveling swim school. (Traveling swim schools are in other states.) We travel all over Southeastern Michigan in the summer months to “home pools” and give premier and personalized curriculum swim lessons and offer lifeguard services for pool parties and special events.
Suntastic Swim School LLC was created from square one (we are NOT a franchise) as MI’s first traveling swim school. After the first summer of success and there being no swim school in the Grosse Pointes and surrounding areas, many clients asked if we could teach their swimmer(s) in the Fall, Winter and Spring months as well. After doing some research in the area, Suntastic Swim School LLC is fortunate enough to rent out Lakeview High School in St. Clair Shores. Suntastic Swim School LLC is now an ALL-YEAR-ROUND swim school!
Suntastic Swim School LLC has taught thousands of swimmers in the Grosse Pointes and surrounding areas and continues to grow!
Categories: Health & Fitness, Schools / Education, Sports Organizations