(313) 881-4722

Grosse Pointe –  AAA Travel with Holland America

AAA Grosse Pointe

AAA Travel with Holland America

19299 Mack Ave

Grosse Pointe Woods

Event Description: Come discover the wonderful travel opportunities with Holland America Cruise Line!  Whether you want to Cruise in Tropical Waters, Explore Nature, or shop in Vibrant Marketplaces, Holland has travel opportunities for every type of traveler!

Start Date/Time: 03/25/2020 6:00pm

End Date/Time: 3/25/2020 7:30pm


Phone: 313-343-5232

Event Website:

Primary Email: dariopelle@autoclubgroup.aaa.com Primary Contact Name: Deborah Riopelle

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Starry Night Series: Leap Day at historic Ford House



1100 Lake Shore Road

Grosse Pointe Shores

Event Description: Spend an evening listening to celestial stories and gazing at the night sky at Ford House, the historic estate of Edsel and Eleanor Ford.

The event begins with some nibbles of wine and cheese, and continues with an engaging and interactive lecture, involving participants in social astronomy skits to enliven the cultural tales. Then, weather permitting, there will be a guided viewing of the night sky. Venus should be brilliant near the Crescent Moon, the two of them setting the perfect stage for Orion and his terrific region of outer Milky Way sky.

Tickets are $45 for general admission, or $30 for Ford House members, and must be purchased in advance at www.fordhouse.org/events or by calling 313-884-4222.


This is an adults-only event, ages 21+. The event goes on clear or cloudy, rain or shine.

Start Date/Time: February 28, 6:00 pm

End Date/Time: February 28, 9:00 pm


Phone: 313-884-4222

Event Website: www.fordhouse.org/events

Primary Email: info@fordhouse.org

Primary Contact Name: Ford House Education Department

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Preschool Fair

Choosing a preschool can be a daunting task, and the Grosse Pointe Public Library is here to help! Stop by the fair to chat with representatives from preschools in the Grosse Pointes and surrounding areas. No registration is required.

Rachel Charette
(313) 343-2072 ext. 2211
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Preschool Fair

Finding the right preschool for your child can be overwhelming. Attend our Preschool Fair to learn about a variety of preschools in the Grosse Pointes and surrounding area.


Wednesday, Jan. 29 – 6-8 p.m.

Woods Branch


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Jazz at the Library

Jazz at the Library


Celebrate the spirit of the Roaring 20s legendary blues performers, with a concert by metro Detroit’s rising star, Airey Browder. AireyB will perform along with her Blues Boys — a trumpeter, bassist and drummer. Reception and light hors d’oeuvres included.


Sat., January 25 — 7 – 9 p.m.

Ewald Branch


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Women’s Financial Workshop

Melissa Fradenburg, Financial Advisor with Pearl Planning will be discussing personal finance, investing and financial planning as it relates to the specific challenges women face nearing retirement or facing a life transition.  This workshop will help educate, empower and alleviate stress surrounding the topic of money in a judgment-free environment where participation is encouraged. Registration required. register at www.grossepointelibrary.org/events or call 313-640-4775 . Event at EWALD bRANCH.

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GPF/ Woods Mother – Son Movie Day

Spiderman will be shown. $5 includes movie, refreshments and a photo keepsake. Call 313-343-2405 or 313-343-2408 for more info. See flyer. Pier Park Community building.

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Winterfest 2020

Family Fun day, see attached flyer.

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Learn at Lunch – Naturally Empowered

Learn At Lunch
**Reach your 2020 goals with Naturally Empowered**
Join Stephanie Popso, creator of the Empowered Life Planner, transformational habits coach and retreat leader to set and refine your 2020 goals and build a solid foundation to reaching them. Learn the brain science behind starting new habits so you can design a life with more balance, energy & productivity.
Tuesday, January 21st
12 – 1:30pm
GPCC, 63 Kercheval, Suite 16 (below Jumps restaurant)
Members: $30 (includes lunch and a 2020 Planner)
Non-Members: $35 (includes lunch and a 2020 Planner)
Call 313-881-4722 to reserve a spot today
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Scott Shuptrine Design Workshop

Scott Shuptrine Design Workshops: Helping you express your style and personality through décor and interior design.

Join us to hear the latest tips and trends from our expert designers. We will offer tips on how you can freshen a room in almost any style. Then we’ll answer some common design questions, like how to create a wall art collage, perfect area rug placement, and much more.

While attendance is free, prior registration is required. Light refreshments will be served. We look forward to seeing you!

Thu, January 23, 2020

6:30 PM – 8:00 PM EST

Scott Shuptrine- Grosse Pointe

17145 Kercheval Ave.

Grosse Pointe, MI 48239

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