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Grosse Pointe Theatre’s Ten-Minute Play Festival

Grosse Pointe Theatre’s Ten-Minute Play Festival June 13-15
Ten original plays, each ten-minutes, one entertaining performance!

What started out as a creative experience for Grosse Pointe Theatre members 11 years ago has grown into a three-day play festival open to everyone, with play submissions from across the globe.

Grosse Pointe Theatre will present its 11th annual Take Ten-Ten-Minute Play Festival June 13-15 at Christ Church Grosse Pointe, in the Undercroft. Tickets are only $15 for this entertaining experience and can be purchased at gpt.org/playfest or by calling 313-881-4004.

This year there were 375 play submissions from across the globe. The plays that followed the criteria and included this year’s theme What if? and are appropriate for audiences, went on to the final adjudication process. This year’s top ten picks selected by independent judges (who are not members of Grosse Pointe Theatre) will be presented at each performance.

WHAT:             Grosse Pointe Theatre’s Take Ten: Ten-Minute Play Festival

WHEN:            Thursday, June 13, at 7 p.m., followed by Talk Back with participants
Friday, June 14, at 7 p.m., followed by Talk Back with participants, and
Saturday, June 15, at 2 p.m.

WHERE:          Christ Church Grosse Pointe, in the Undercroft
61 Grosse Pointe Blvd., Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236. Parking is free.

HOW:              Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at gpt.org/playfest, by calling 313-881-4004, or at the door. Appropriate for adult audiences.

Visit gpt.org for information on all Grosse Pointe Theatre’s productions, programs, membership, volunteer, and sponsorship opportunities. Tickets for the 2024-2025 season go on sale August 5. Watch for updates at gpt.org.

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