QPR Suicide Prevention Training
QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Suicide Prevention Training
Thursday, October 26th at 7 pm at GP Ewald Library (GP Park)
QPR training is like CPR for mental health. This training is for anyone ages 15+, including parents, friends, teachers, and social workers. After completing QPR training you will be able to:
- *Recognize suicide warning signs
- *Understand several ways to initiate conversation
- *Persuade and refer someone to the appropriate resources
Training is FREE but registration is appreciated. Email maryjo@familycenterhelps.org to register.
Presented by Kelly Mays, Suicide Prevention Training and Outreach Specialist at Hegira Health, Inc.
Free Bikes 4 Kidz Bike Drop-off Day
Saturday, September 30th from 9 am – 2 pm
The Family Center is helping “Free Bikes 4 Kidz” collect used bikes. The bikes are refurbished and given to underserved children in our local communities.
Bring your used bikes to:
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church
375 Lothrop
Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236
Lakeview Public Schools Administration Building
27575 Harper Ave.
St. Clair Shores, MI 48081
Community Book Club Meeting
Wednesday, September 20th at 7 pm at The War Memorial
Book: The Good Life: Lessons From the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness By Robert Waldinger, MD and Marc Schultz, PhD
Join us for a lively discussion led by our expert panel of local therapists. Dessert, coffee, and tea will be provided.
What makes a life fulfilling and meaningful? The simple but surprising answer is: relationships. The stronger our relationships, the more likely we are to live happy, satisfying, and healthier lives. In fact, the Harvard Study of Adult Development reveals that the strength of our connections with others can predict the health of both our bodies and our brains as we go through life. The invaluable insights in this book emerge from the revealing personal stories of hundreds of participants in the Harvard Study as they were followed year after year for their entire adult lives, and this wisdom was bolstered by research findings from many other studies. Relationships in all their forms—friendships, romantic partnerships, families, coworkers, tennis partners, book club members, religious study groups—all contribute to a happier, healthier life. And as The Good Life shows us, it’s never too late to strengthen the relationships you already have, and never too late to build new ones. The Good Life provides examples of how to do this.
Please RSVP to MaryJo@FamilyCenterHelps.org.
iGeneration Parenting
How to Connect With Your I-Generation Child
Wednesday, September 27th at 7 pm at GP Ewald Library (GP Park)
Join us for this in-depth talk about the impact of technology on child development. Learn how to set ground rules for your family’s tech usage and why that’s important, how to say no when your child wants a phone or social media, and how to have an open dialogue with your kids about their mental health.
Nicole Runyon, LMSW, is an esteemed psychotherapist renowned for her expertise in child and adolescent mental health backed by an extensive 20-year career in the field.
Email maryjo@familycenterhelps.org to register.
A Family First Approach to Prevention, Addiction and Treatment
Monday, October 2nd at 7 pm at The War Memorial
Join us as our expert panel discusses ways families can be more informed and talk openly about drug and alcohol abuse, what resources are available for people facing addiction, and pathways to recovery.
Community Baby Shower
Saturday, October 21 at 2:30 pm at AMVETS Hall (Harper Woods)
The Family Center is working with “Because of His Love Outreach” and the City of Harper Woods to plan this free event for expecting mothers, fathers and caregivers of children (0 – 2T) in the Harper Woods and Grosse Pointe Community with many free items and educational resources.
Please register at www.BOHLOUTREACH.ORG.
We also will be collecting diapers, wipes and bottles at various locations throughout Grosse Pointe and Harper Woods from September 18-29.
2023 Lions Jingle Bell Family Run
The 25th annual Jingle Bell Fun Run/Walk • Start and finish at The Village Grille!• Course to follow Grosse Pointe Christmas Parade Route.• Every Runner/Walker receives a medal!.• Post race food available at Village Grille • Plus close right in the middle of G.P. Christmas Parade festivities.
8:15 – 8:50 Raffle Ticket Pick Up & Registration Check-in – Please note this will occur in the Village Grille Banquet Room with the entrance in the rear!
9:00 AM 2.2 Mile Run/Walk start
10:00 AM Parade Start
– Check-in and Raffle Ticket Pickup and Registration Available Day of Race starting at 8:15AM
– Pets, & Strollers welcome!
Click to Register: 2023 Grosse Pointe Lions Jingle Bell Family Fun Run Tickets, Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 8:00 AM | Eventbrite