Embark on a musical adventure with Detroit-based Six Mile Strings – a quartet of friends that come together to create a magical experience for children and families alike. This string quartet will invite you to explore the world of music and a variety of genres in a fun and playful way!
As part of the Mini Maestros Family Concert Series at The War Memorial, get ready to embark on a morning full of musical adventure that celebrates the magic of exploration, imagination, and the power of music to bring people together. Mini Maestros Family Concerts provide an engaging and interactive concert experience that will be sure to get families dancing, singing, and making long-lasting musical memories!
Mini Maestros Family Concerts take place in the Alger Center Ballroom at The War Memorial, where all can see and hear the instruments and musicians up close. Be sure to arrive early to experience a pre-concert instrument petting zoo and more.
Website: https://www.warmemorial.org/eventcalendar11/sixmilestrings