When you bring together creative playwrights and their short original plays, eight talented directors, 18 amazing actors, and a troupe of dedicated volunteers, you have Grosse Pointe Theatre’s Take Ten – Ten-Minute Play Festival. This creative endeavor featuring eight original ten-minute plays from Michigan and North Carolina playwrights will be performed Saturday, May 7, at 2 p.m. in the Undercroft at Christ Church Grosse Pointe.
Eighteen actors will play a total of 23 characters, and several other volunteers are working behind the scenes to make sure each area of the festival runs seamlessly, resulting in a wonderful experience for audiences. Guests can stay for the entire festival, or they may arrive or leave in between the presented plays. There will be an intermission
The recommended age for the audience is 18 and above.Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at www.gpt.org/playfest or at the door.