The Family Center | 32 Lake Shore Drive, Grosse Pointe Farms MI 48236
FamilyCenterHelps.org |313.447.1374
Join Us for a Conversation About Disordered EatingThe rate of eating disorder diagnosis has risen over 50% in the past two years, post pandemic,and has increased its range to children as young as 5 years old.Eating disorders are not only beginning earlier but are expanding to all populations at an alarming rate. Why? How? And What can we do?
Through understanding the biological, psychological and social influences that precede eating disorders and most co-occurring mental health issues including adverse childhood experiences, we can begin to have conversation about what we can do now to prevent eating disorders.Eating disorders have a high mortality rate (only second to opioid overdose), they can progress to a terminal state quickly because of the devastating effect of starvation on all the body organs and brain, and…eating disorders can be treated most effectively if they are diagnosed early and if the individual receives comprehensive treatment with a holistic approach.
Prevention, Education and Early Intervention are key to helping individuals live in lasting recovery.
Understanding Eating Disorders – Webinar
Community, Educational